Donations Appreciated & *most are tax deductible!
We could use a "High Five" - It's a small thing, that means a lot. If you could do $5 a month - we could take ACP to more disadvantaged. We typically are helping the elderly with terminal illnesses & their loved ones.
*Congress has recently passed the CARES ACT. The new law suspends the individual charitable contribution limitation of 60% of adjusted gross income for the 2020 tax year and creates a $300 charitable contribution deduction that is available to taxpayers that do not itemize deduction. Similarly, the Act increases the charitable contribution limitation for corporations for the 2020 tax year from 10% to 25% of taxable income and increases the limitation for food inventory contributions from 15% to 25%. Please consult your Tax advisor for more specific information relevant to your situation. You can donate via ZEFFY a new Fee Free platform or Paypal at link below: Paypal is a simple way to send and receive money online. We rely on donations from our community to fund the services we provide. If the donation is in honor of a loved one or in memory, we welcome their name. |
Volunteer for Care & PrepareAccomplishing our annual goals depends on willing volunteers. Please share your talents with us on the committee that best matches your interests:
· Program/Education · Community Outreach · Public Relations · Fundraising Please Contact Us if you are interested. _____________________________________ Thanks to all of our Sponsors who have helped us: Communities Foundation of Texas Texas Bar Foundation First Presbyterian Church Ft. Worth Dr. Jerry Barker, Texas Cancer Specialists Telschow Johnson Law PLLC Community Partners: Baylor All Saints Hospital Community Hospice of Texas Dr. Stuart Pickell Heart to Heart Hospice James L. West Center for Dementia Care UNTHSC NASW/TX BRANCHES - NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS-FORT WORTH Fort Worth Continuity of Care Want more Information on us? Download our brochure. |
Or send checks to: Remember us on #NTXGivingDay!
Care & Prepare
P. O. Box 12424
Fort Worth, Texas 76110
Phone: (817) 247-1776
Care & Prepare
P. O. Box 12424
Fort Worth, Texas 76110
Phone: (817) 247-1776