"For Those Who Care”
Practical, Logistical and Emotional Support For the Caregiver of the Chronically Ill
brought to you by
Coalition for Quality End-of-Life Care
and hosted by
James L. West Alzheimer Care Center
1111 Summit Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76102
Friday, April 27, 2018
8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Download the FLYER
Most of western medicine and healthcare revolves around the patient. CQEC's program will consider another point of view – the Caregiver of the chronically ill.
Caregivers will walk through a case study with Health Care Professionals. There will be ample time to ask Questions and network with fellow Caregivers. This event is designed to foster community & connection between individuals and resources within the community.
Admission is Free, but you need to RSVP! Either RSVP to [email protected] on go to Facebook to RSVP For tickets.
Program: Most of western medicine and healthcare
revolves around the patient. Today we will consider
another point of view – the Caregiver of the chronically ill.
Session 1: Concern & Diagnosis
- Identifying red flags
- Making decisions about care and treatment at initial diagnosis
- Helping the caregiver to accommodate patient’s growing needs - What is a GCM
(Geriatric Care Manager) and do I need one?
Session 2: From Diagnosis through Decline
- Home care vs. facility: how to make the decision?
- Questions to ask when looking at facilities - When/should a patient be a DNR?
- When should hospice be considered?
Session 3: Caring for the Caregiver
- Supporting the caregiver in the home
- How to effectively communicate with medical and administrative staff at a facility
- Resources/support groups
- Managing stress
Session 4: Family Conversation / Dynamics in Caregiving
- When family disagrees about patient care - When stories don’t line up
- How to have effective family conversations
- Janet Lieto, DO, FACOFP - UNTHSC, Geriatrician
- Karen Telschow-Johnson, JD - Telschow Johnson Law PLLC
- Susan Smith, Geriatric Care Manager
- Laura McEntire - Alzheimer's Association, REACH program
- Sheila Murray - AAA of Tarrant County, Care Transitions Manager
- Jane Oderberg, LMSW - UNTHSC
- Jaime Cobb, CSA - James L. West Alzheimer's Center & CQEC Board President
- Melinda Bailey, BS, Family Caregiver
- Hayley Brown, ACNP-BC, Supportive & Palliative Care, THR
Special Thanks to Vitas Healthcare our Lunch sponsor and to Telschow Johnson Law PLLC for underwriting our conference materials!