Advance Care Planning Websites
- Living Will
- Baylor Scott & White - Plan B
- Compassion & Choices: The Good-to-Go Toolkit
- The Conversation Project: Your Conversation Starter Kit
- Five Wishes
- My Directives: An electronic on-line approach to Advance Care Planning
- North Texas Respecting Choices: Planning Guide
- Prepare for Your Care
- Advance Care Planning
- Aging and Disability Resource Center of Tarrant County: ADRC
- Alzheimer’s Association - Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregiver Center.
- Conversation Ready NTX
- TAGS: Tarrant Area Gerontological Society
- United Way of Tarrant County: Area Agency on Aging of Tarrant County
Caregiver Resources
- (Caregiver support newsletter offering tips, advice)
- A Place for Mom: (Assisted Living Placement Resource)
- Caregiver Action Network
- (additional caregiver resources by topic)
- DADS: Department of Aging and Disability Services
- Family Caregiver Alliance: National Center on Caregiving (caregiving at home
- Family Caregivers Online: Education and Resources for Caregivers
Health Care Documents
- Caregiving is Hard Enough. Isolation Can Make It Unbearable
- Lessons on Living from My 106-Year-Old Aunt Doris
- Dozens of Clergy hope to get people Talking about Death
- Pitfalls for Proxies
- What you should know about elder facilities and end-of-life care
- Getting Grief Right
- One Day Your Mind May Fade. At Least You’ll Have a Plan
- The Best Possible Day: Atul Gawande
- The Crisis Facing America’s Working Daughters
Resources for the Jewish Community
- Sage Voices:
- A diverse group of rabbis and religious leaders speak about end of life issues and how they integrate Jewish tradition into their own teaching and care for others.
- A Time to Talk:
- A Time to Act:
- resource guide about the documents, here.
- CBS Sunday Morning: Documenting a “Good Death”
- Dying with Dignity: Respecting Choices with End of Life Care
- Facing Death: Frontline PBS
Local Covid Info:
Tarrant County/Coronavirus
Gov. Greg Abbott
If You Are at Higher Risk
Ft. Worth COVID hotline 817-392-8478
Prepare for your Care TX ACP Forms
What if feels like to have COVID
COVID Public Resources:
Care & Prepare utilizes Respecting Choices for evidence-based training materials. Free resources! Great Toolbox
COVID Professional Resources:
Care & Prepare utilizes Respecting Choices for evidence-based training materials. Free resources! Great Toolbox What if feels like to have COVID
VitalTalk's COVID ready Q&A w/ public Thoughtful answers
CAPC COVID-19 Response Resources
IHI’s Resources: Mobilizing to Respond to COVID-19
Available now | Virtual Learning Hour
Watch the first in a series of free weekly Virtual Learning Hours from IHI focused on effective responses to stressed health systems and overwhelmed (and often insufficiently protected) health care professionals. Don Berwick and Derek Feeley share learnings from leaders and improvers across the globe, and listeners offer their own stories.
IHI Open School Courses
Available to all for 2 months
Access our most relevant courses on teamwork, leadership, patient-centered care, and self-care, and earn up to 10 continuing education credits.
Now that you have your ACP - now what?
"Promise me This."© Part 2 - ACP & Planned Giving Zoom webinar recorded or for audio only of recording
National & Global Covid Info:
How can I protect myself?
CDC Latest Updates
Johns Hopkins Global Map of Pandemic
Alzheimer’s Association
IRS issued Notice 2020-17
Being Prepared in the Time of COVID-19 :Three Things You Can Do Now
Oh, that’s interesting:
Survivor of 1918 Flu Speaks
COV-Idiot charged with felony
NY MD treats 699 pts 100% success?!
COVID Public Resources:
Want to help save hospitals from being overwhelmed? Fill out that medical directive now.
Care & Prepare utilizes Respecting Choices for evidence-based training materials. Free resources! Great Toolbox
Any day is a good day to make your medical wishes known to your family. It never hurts to revisit the discussion during a time of major changes. Here are resources to help you have this important conversation today: If you prefer to have someone walk you through your decision making follow this link.
Caregiver Resource Podcasts: